Are you seeking to shape and sculpt your body to match your desired appearance? Have you tried dieting, exercise, and fat reduction treatments to target abdominal fat with little success? If so, the tummy tuck could be the all-in-one slimming procedure you’ve been waiting for. This popular surgery can instantly reduce fat and sagging skin while tightening muscle structure to create your ideal image. We’re proud to offer this option to our patients at Victorian Body Surgical Arts in Chevy Chase, MD.
How Many Sizes Can I Lose?
While every patient’s experience and results are different, we see our patients drop an average of 1-3 sizes after their abdominoplasty. Those with significant fat and excess skin removed may experience more dramatic results.
However, even our patients who do not experience a change in their size notice a significant difference in their appearance as troublesome fat and loose skin disappear and the abdominal region is smoothed and contoured, giving them a major confidence boost in their new look.
What Is a Tummy Tuck?
The tummy tuck–referred to as abdominoplasty in the medical world–is a cosmetic surgery designed to transform your abdominal region by removing residual fat and loose skin. In some cases, this surgery also restructures the abdominal muscles to create a more toned, unified appearance. This surgery is often used to help you cross the finish line and achieve a smooth, contoured abdomen after a significant weight loss journey or pregnancy.
It can easily remove even the most stubborn lumps, rolls, and bulges, helping you create the appearance you’ve always dreamed of in one simple procedure. Depending on the type of procedure recommended by our experienced doctor, this surgery could take just 2-4 hours to complete. The recovery process is straightforward for most patients and allows them to return to work after 1-3 weeks.
Final incision site results are discreet, and patients can return to most normal activities within 12 weeks of surgery. Best of all, final results can be permanent when maintained with a healthy diet and exercise regimen, making this procedure one of the best options for effective and truly transformative abdominal reduction.
What Concerns Can This Procedure Address?
This versatile procedure can be a subtle fix for residual abdominal fat or an in-depth structural surgery to correct separated abdominal muscles and remove excess skin. Every patient’s experience is unique, and our doctor will carefully evaluate your areas of concern to recommend the best corrective technique for you.
What Are the Different Types of Procedures?
There are two main types of tummy tuck surgeries. If you are a candidate for this procedure, our doctor will recommend the best option for you based on your specific situation.
Mini Abdominoplasty
A mini-abdominoplasty focuses on the area below the belly button. This procedure can remove fat and skin from the abdominal region while also tightening the muscles below the belly button. The incision is usually made between the hip bones and, once healed, continues to fade over time.
Full Abdominoplasty
A full abdominoplasty can help transform your entire abdominal region below and above the belly button. This may include excess fat and skin removal, muscle tightening, and contouring to create a flat, smooth, and attractive tummy. The incision site is typically still made below the belly button. It is discreet and easily concealed, which means that no one will know that you had surgery unless you choose to tell them.
How Does This Procedure Compare to Liposuction?
Liposuction is another popular fat-removal procedure available to patients today. This procedure uses vacuum suction to remove extra fat and create a slimmer silhouette. While the results of a mini-abdominoplasty and a liposuction appointment can be fairly similar, liposuction is not able to remove excess skin or tighten the abdominal muscles.
This option may be recommended to patients with smaller amounts of fat in the abdominal, hip, and thigh regions, but those patients with significant amounts of fat, loose skin, or muscle separation may find that abdominoplasty can better address their concerns.
How Does This Procedure Compare to Non-Invasive Fat Reduction Treatments?
There are now many fat reduction treatments that are designed to freeze or heat residual fat, kill fat cells, and reduce your waistline. While these treatments could be effective for some patients, they are not able to offer instant results. In addition, these treatments are cannot dramatically reduce excess fat, and they are not effective for patients with loose or sagging skin or separated abdominal muscles.
When Is the Best Time to Pursue This Procedure?
Many patients want to know the best time of life to pursue this procedure. In general, this procedure is safe and effective for most patients in various stages of life. We do recommend that patients who are planning to become pregnant wait until after their pregnancy to pursue this procedure.
Pregnancy shifts the abdominal muscles and can cause loose skin to develop, and it’s likely that the results of this surgery will be undone by this process. Our doctor can give you more information about the best time to have a tummy tuck during your initial consultation.
Am I an Ideal Candidate?
If you are a man or woman who wishes to see your abdominal region slimmed and toned, you could be a good candidate for this procedure. In general, ideal candidates are healthy and within 10-15 pounds of their ideal weight for their height and body type. They should also have informed, realistic expectations about their possible results. While most of our patients are over 40 years old, an abdominoplasty can help you achieve your desired image at any age.
This procedure may not be ideal for patients with medical conditions that could interact negatively with a general anesthetic or the surgical process. It is not considered ideal for patients who are planning to become pregnant in the future. In addition, this surgery is not designed to be a substitute for weight loss. We recommend that patients be within 15 pounds of their ideal weight before pursuing this procedure. If you have any questions about your candidacy, our doctor will help you evaluate your situation and concerns during your initial consultation.
What Can I Expect?
When you choose our professional practice, you can rest assured knowing that our entire staff is ready to work with you to reach your aesthetic goals. Here is a general overview of what you can look forward to from a tummy tuck procedure process.
During this first appointment, our doctor will examine your abdominal region and note the presence of fat, excess skin, and separated abdominal muscles. This will help him evaluate your candidacy for this procedure as well as recommend the best surgical technique for your situation. Our doctor will also review your medical history, including your weight loss history, and any current medications you take.
During this initial consultation, you can ask any questions you may have about this procedure or the results you can expect to see. Once you are approved for an abdominoplasty, you can begin your preparation prior to surgery.
Our doctor will provide you with specific instructions based on your unique concerns and medical factors. However, preparation for this surgery is fairly simple for most of our patients. You should plan to stop taking any anti-inflammatory medications, herbal supplements, or pain relievers like ibuprofen at least 2 weeks before your surgery to reduce bruising and excess bleeding. For the same reason, you should stop drinking alcohol approximately 2 days before your procedure.
In addition, we recommend that you eat a healthy diet and maintain your weight during the weeks leading up to your surgery. It’s important that patients stop smoking, vaping, and using tobacco products before surgery to limit their risk of a slower or impaired healing process. In addition, these habits pose significant medical risks and we urge our patients to consider quitting for good to ensure their long-term health.
Our staff can provide you with more information. Before the day of your surgery, it’s helpful to prepare your home for the recovery period, which may include cleaning, prepping meals, paying bills, filling prescriptions, and scheduling childcare or pet care, especially for the first week of recovery.
On the day of your surgery, you should plan to bring a friend or relative to drive you home and remain with you for 24 hours to monitor your recovery process. Our doctor will be available for any questions you have before the procedure begins. Once you’re prepared, we will administer general anesthetic, which keeps you asleep for the entire surgical process.
Our doctor will make an incision below your belly button, then systematically remove fat deposits from under the skin. He will tighten any separated muscles and remove excess skin before closing the incision site. Your abdominal region will be covered with a protective dressing.
In addition, you may be provided with a compression garment to help the healing process. Most abdominoplasties take between 2-4 hours to complete. Once the surgery is complete and we’re confident that your recovery is well underway, you will be released to rest at home.
You should plan to remain at home for at least 4-5 days as your body recovers from surgery. You can take short, gentle walks to promote healthy blood flow, but you should avoid strenuous activity, bending, or lifting during this time. One to two days after surgery, you will return to our office for our doctor to examine the incision site.
Stitches and surgical drains are typically removed 1-2 weeks after surgery. During this period, most patients are able to return to work. The healing process will continue for approximately 12 weeks, during which time you should continue to avoid strenuous exercise and heavy lifting.
While you’ll be able to notice an instant change in your appearance after surgery, your final results will not be clearly visible for 1-2 months. Once your body is healed, you should be able to see a flatter, more contoured abdomen.
Excess fat and skin should be completely gone, and your muscles should look and feel tighter. Most patients can return to all their normal activities, including exercise, 8-12 weeks after surgery. With a balanced diet and a healthy exercise routine, you can enjoy the results of your tummy tuck for years to come.
Contact the Experts for More Information!
Is it time for you to say goodbye to abdominal fat, sagging skin, and loose muscles? Let the tummy tuck instantly reshape your body and create your ideal image. To learn more about how this procedure could address your concerns, contact our professional staff at Victorian Body Surgical Arts in Chevy Chase, MD, to schedule an initial consultation! We look forward to serving you soon!